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Justin “JD” Nylen was married to one of Foundation4Love’s board member, Mary Nylen. Three months after Mary joined the Board of Directors, JD was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor at age 34. That year, JD and Mary found themselves in and out of the hospital and what helped lift JD’s spirits was a good cup of coffee and sometimes even a delicious pastry. Every morning, Mary would venture the streets of Boston, looking for a new coffee shop to try, knowing this would bring comfort to her husband.

On March, 12th 2019, JD passed away with Mary right by his side in the comfort of their home. Mary’s mission, since his passing, was to help give back to the community by simply providing free coffee and pastries to patients while they are hospitalized. This small gesture has made such an impact to our cancer community and Foundation4Love is proud to be able to support Mary’s mission. 

We are excited and proud to have partnered with Rwanda Bean and Cape Whoopie Pies, both mission driven companies that are local to Foundation4Love. 


“WOW. My wife so needs this today! She was admitted 1 week ago and we are still waiting on tests to result so sitting here in the hospital has been difficult! A cup of coffee and one of these Whoopie pies will surely bring a smile to her face!” THANK YOU!! -JD’s JAVA Customer

*JD's JAVA is every third Sunday of the month at Maine Medical Center on the Gibson Unit (Oncology unit). Interested in volunteering for JD’s Java? Please email us at!

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